About Niazit Ceiling Industrial


Compositely design truss for floor framing system have gradually developed in to one of "menu" selections available to the structural designer. They are particularly attractive in spans greater than 10 meters where members appropriately sized for strength and stiffness offer "free" web openings large enough to accommodate a substantial amount of air ducting as well as other services.

Their origin stems from a non-composite member, the open web steel (OWSJ, or simply "joist") which may also be viable as a composite member. These members were developed as alternatives to solid web members and for reasons of economy.s16.1 defines OWSJ (5-1) as simply supported steel trusses of relatively low mass with parallel or slightly pitched chords and triangulated web systems, proportioned to span between structural supporting members. Providing direct top chord support for floor or roof deck. Joist were first fabricated in 1923, using top and bottom chords of double round bars and web composed of single round continuous bent bars to form a Warren truss type of web. Since then, various other joist chord types, web types and web configurations have been developed as proprietary products and manufactured by individual joist manufacturers.


composite truss




This company after searching the open web steel joist system it seem need some changes to provide more efficiency to become more stable and more economical.

So started to design an open web steel joist with different connection and also make a composed section partially with top chord joist and web composed single round or rebar individual bars to form a vertical truss type of web. Simple vertical truss all changes will describe in detail under the name of Niazit-joist (Niazit-ceiling).